This button allows you direct access the raw HTML code for the
tag. Enter any tags or JavaScript that you wish to added to the tag here that are not already listed above. Use this button to select a file using the standard open file dialog window and have World Wide Web Weaver place in the background graphic field a relative path to your background graphic. Enter the URL (relative or full path) of the graphic you wish to be used as a pattern in the background of this web page. Tip: Use the Select button to have World Wide Web Weaver enter a relative path for you. When this item is checked and the web browser supports this attribute, then when the user scrolls down a page, the background graphic will not also scroll. Use this pop-up menu to select the color of links that the user has used in your web page. Use this pop-up menu to select the color a link that the user has selected will be drawn with in this page. Use this pop-up menu to select the color of links that the user has NOT used in your web page. Use this pop-up menu to select the background color of your web page. Use this pop-up menu to select the default color of the text in your web page.